Apr2017CG supports Central European University in Budapest
The Coimbra Group has expressed its concern over the threat to academic freedom in the light of proposed reforms by the Hungarian Government and its support for the Central European University in Budapest. Read the letter… Regardless, the Hungarian Parliament voted 123 to 38 to adopt the authoritarian amendment on Tuesday afternoon, 4 April. https://tinyurl.com/lfz2pp5 […]
Apr2017Joint communication on H2020
The Coimbra Group and other European associations active in the policy areas of research and innovation have communicated with one voice on Horizon 2020 and the values and developments they wish to preserve and strengthen strong partnerships with the European and global research communities and policy-makers. The one overriding and important goal is to make […]
Mar20172017 Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students
It is with great pleasure that we can announce the result of the work of the selection committee established by the Executive Board to assess the nominations from member universities for the Arenberg-Coimbra Group for Erasmus Students. The 2017 Laureate is Ms Aura Nikkilä from the University of Turku, who spent her Erasmus exchange period […]
Feb2017National Stereotyping and Cultural Identities
‘National Stereotyping and Cultural Identities in recent European Crises’ – This is the topic under discussion at an international and interdisciplinary conference of the ‘Identities in Transformation’ College Research Theme in conjunction with the Coimbra Group Social Sciences and Humanities Working Group, taking place in Dublin, 9-11 March 2017. For more information please click here.
Jan2017CG interim evaluation of Horizon 2020
The Coimbra Group has submitted a response to the European Commission’s interim evaluation of the Horizon 2020 programme: CG interim evaluation of Horizon 2020
Oct2016Coimbra Group research policy seminar
On 27-28 October, the Coimbra Group held its third research policy seminar at the Venice International University on the island of San Servolo. The seminar was opened by President Yves Jean, the Honorary President of the Coimbra Group, and Rector Rosario Rizzuto on behalf of the University of Padova, one of the founders of the […]
Oct2016Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Groningen
Professor Ben Feringa has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Feringa has been a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Groningen since 1988 and his 1999 discovery of the ‘molecular motor’ – a light-driven rotary molecular motor – is widely recognized as a spectacular scientific breakthrough. Feringa has been awarded with many prizes […]
Jul2016Coimbra Group expresses support for the statement issued by EUA on the situation in Turkey
The Executive Board of the Coimbra Group would like to express its support for the statement issued by the European University Association (EUA) on 19th July 2016 about the situation faced by the higher education community in Turkey: EUA Statement Following Friday’s coup attempt in Turkey the education sector, including the higher education sector, has been targeted, as […]
Jun2016Poitiers Declaration signed by Rectors and Mayors
The Coimbra Group Rectors and Mayors met June 9 at Poitiers City Hall in order to discuss and sign the “Poitiers Declaration”. This document defines a collaborative framework for Coimbra Group Universities and their Municipalities, including a set of objectives and accompanying initiatives to be pursued in the coming years. Download the Poitiers Declaration
Jun20162016 Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize awarded
On 10 June 2016 the Laureate, Ting-jung Chen, received her certificate from the Duke of Arenberg, during the Coimbra Group General Assembly. The award ceremony was hosted by the University of Poitiers. Read more
May2016Coimbra Group signs Prague Declaration
The Chair of the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group Dorothy Kelly signed earlier this month the Prague Declaration, a document highlighting the importance of education in the current world, and the necessity to maintain and honour humanistic and democratic ideas and principles. Representatives of UNICA and EUROPAEUM have also gathered in Carolinum, the headquarters […]
Apr2016CG Statement on Modernisation Agenda for HE
On 8 April 2016, the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group sent their statement to the European Commission’s Directorate-General Education and Culture in response to the open consultation on the Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education. You can find the text here
Jan2016Endorsement of EUA statement on recent events affecting Turkish academics
In the light of recent events affecting Turkish academics, the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group, from our deep commitment to the fundamental values included in the Magna Charta Universitatum, would like to endorse the statement (reproduced below) made on 20th January 2016 by the European University Association, to which all our member universities belong. […]
Jan2016CG position paper on U-Multirank today
The CG has published a position paper on the current state of U-Multirank. Executive Summary. Among the ever growing supply of commercial benchmark tools and league tables of higher education institutions, U-Multirank is conceptually superior in its efforts to compare alike with alike, in its broad set of indicators and its possibility to compare at both […]
Jan2016Refugee relief
In light of the developing refugee situation, we are facing new challenges that cannot be ignored by society and specifically by higher education institutions. A number of activities are taking place now, connected to the response from higher education institutions. The Coimbra Group members take part in those initiatives to help refugees get back into […]
Sep2015Launch of CALOHEE project
Launch of the feasibility study ‘Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe’ (CALOHEE) Do students enrolled in higher education around Europe develop the competences they need? Are study programmes delivering their promises? Can we learn to compare student’s achievements in different countries in a meaningful way? The Coimbra Group is […]
Jun2015The CG welcomes Vilnius University
Several of the Coimbra Group Universities have long-standing co-operation with Vilnius University and with the warm recommendations and the unanimous vote in favour of inviting Vilnius to join the Coimbra Group the good relations are set to develop and expand – http://www.vu.lt/en/. Vilniaus Universitetas was founded in 1579 by Stephen Báthory, king of Poland and […]
Apr2015CG note on “Monitoring the Horizon 2020 Application and Evaluation Process”
The Executive Board of the Coimbra Group is pleased to publish the Monitoring note as one of the outcomes of our high-level seminar on research policies held on 30-31 October last year: “Horizons 2015: First Experiences, Emerging Expectations”; Horizon 2020 from the perspective of European Research Universities. The note is produced by research support officers at Coimbra Group […]
May2014CG position on Erasmus+
The Coimbra Group has published its Position Paper on the Erasmus+ Programme, applauding the European Commission for the increased funding for the education, youth and sport programme at a time when in many national contexts education budgets are suffering severe cutbacks. The Erasmus+ Programme brings the promise of innovation, simplification and greater flexibility compared to […]
Aug2013CG position on Horizon 2020
The Coimbra Group has published its comments on the Horizon 2020 proposal from the European Commission. The Coimbra Group welcomes Horizon 2020 because of its determination to strengthen the emphasis on research excellence, its support to open, basic research and the ambition to increase European and cross-sectoral research collaboration. The policy paper also contains the […]