The Poitiers Declaration is a document defining a collaborative framework for Coimbra Group Universities and the Municipalities in which they are situated, including a set of objectives and accompanying initiatives to be pursued. The Poitiers Declaration was initiated in June 2016 in collaboration between Alain Claeys, Mayor of Poitiers and the Rector of the University of Poitiers, Yves Jean. The Declaration reaffirms the central role that Universities play in the development of Cities, with Cities providing a fundamental framework, functioning as a catalyst for the development of Universities.

Below are the full text of the Poitiers Declaration and the list of signatories as of 27 October 2022:

Poitiers Declaration

Poitiers Declaration Signatories


Coimbra Group High-Level Workshop

“The role of universities as driving forces for change in regions and cities”

Brussels, 8 October 2019

This workshop explored the role of universities in innovation ecosystems. It outlined successful examples of university-city partnerships with the aim to engage in a dialogue with policy makers and other relevant stakeholders on how to improve synergies to foster the social, cultural and economic wealth of regions and cities. More specifically, the debate focused on Pillar 3 of Horizon Europe and synergies between funding schemes at different levels, the characteristics of effective innovation ecosystems, and how the interplay among the various actors, in particular universities and municipalities, can be improved.

The event celebrated and reiterated the collaboration agreement stated in the Poitiers Declaration. The Poitiers Declaration is a document defining a collaborative framework for Coimbra Group Universities and the Municipalities in which they are situated, including a set of objectives and accompanying initiatives to be pursued. It was initiated in June 2016 in collaboration between Alain Claeys, Mayor of Poitiers and the Rector of the University of Poitiers, Yves Jean. The Declaration reaffirms the central role that Universities play in the development of Cities, with Cities providing a fundamental framework, functioning as a catalyst for the development of Universities. This is especially the case for Coimbra Group Universities, which, being located in small or medium-sized cities, have a symbiotic relationship with their surrounding ecosystem, thus creating dynamics affecting socio-economic development, transfer of knowledge and innovation, urban policy and inclusion.

The workshop saw the participation of rectors and senior management staff from higher education institutions, mayors and representatives from municipalities, regional and city representations, industry, civil society and EU institutions.

The event’s programme and presentations are available below.


Workshop Presentations

The Coimbra Group and the Poitiers Declaration
Prof. Ludovic Thilly, University of Poitiers, Chair of the Executive Board of the Coimbra

PoitiersDeclarationWorkshop -THILLY

Productive co-operation between university and city in Turku
Prof. Jukka Kola, Rector, University of Turku

Productive cooperation univ and city in Turku – KOLA

NUI Galway and the city of Galway – a values driven collaboration
Prof. Becky Whay, Vice President International, NUI Galway

NUI Galway and city of Galway – values driven collaboration – WHAY

Leiden: a “city lab” – cooperation between higher education and society
Lara Ummels, Liaison Officer, Leiden Science City

Leiden a city lab – cooperation between HE and society – UMMELS

Prevention of criminal behavior in youth – a Leiden case
Hanna Swaab, Professor, Leiden University

Prevention criminal behaviour in youth Leiden – SWAAB

Innovative partnerships between municipalities and universities: the case of the
Foundation for Urban Innovation in the city of Bologna
Prof. Mirko Degli Esposti, Deputy Rector, University of Bologna

Foundation for Urban Innovation in city of Bologna – DEGLI ESPOSTI

Cracow – Science – Industry. Links for effective economy
Radosław Rudź, Head of Technology Transfer and Cooperation with Economy Team,
Jagiellonian University in Krakow

Cracow Science Industry – RUDZ

Smart Specialisation and the future Cohesion Policy
Katja Reppel, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Regional and Urban Policy, European CommissionSmart Specialisation and future Cohesion Policy – REPPEL

Cooperation between the University and the City of Groningen
Maarten Eisema, EU Liaison Officer, University of Groningen

University and City of Groningen joint challenges and goals – EISEMA

Launch of the Poitiers Declaration

9 June 2016

The Coimbra Group annual conference on 9 June 2016 highlighted cooperation initiatives in collaboration between CG Universities and their local socio-economic environment, including cities and municipalities in which the CG universities are present and influential.

The meeting between CG Rectors and Mayors, at Poitiers City Hall in the morning of the same day discussed the “Poitiers Declaration” and participating Rectors and Mayors signed the Declaration.

Rectors & City Mayors Meeting

  • Mustapha El Belgsir, Conseiller municipal chargé des relations internationales et coopération décentralisée – Ville de Poitiers
  • Yves Jean, Président de l’Université de Poitiers
  • Riitta Pyykkö, Vice-Rector of the Turun Yliopisto University of Turku
  • Rosa Reis Marques, City Of Coimbra
  • João Gabriel Silva, Rector of the University of Coimbra

Knowledge & Culture for all Citizens, Modernization of Higher Education

  • Yves Jean, Président de l’Université de Poitiers
  • Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Questeur – Députée européenne – Présidente de l’European Union of Women
  • Adam Tyson, European Commission

Integration of Campuses, Heritage and Development Policy

  • Roger Belot, Président de “Fondation Poitiers Université”
  • Marco Morandotti, Director of the Interdepartmental Centre for the Conservation of the Historical Heritage of the University of Pavia

Panel Discussion

  • Isabelle Lamothe, Vice-présidente de l’Université de Poitiers chargée de la culture
  • Fabio Rugge, Rector of the University of Pavia
  • Kay Svensson, Deputy University Director – International, University of Uppsala
  • Esther von Richthofen, Coordinator for European University Partnerships University Networks COIMBRA and EUA – University of Göttingen