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YEBO! Project Training Workshop in Pretoria

28 March 2019

The staff training workshop “Towards institutional structures that support the complete PhD life cycle” is taking place at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, from 25 to 29 March 2019. It is organised within the framework of the Erasmus + funded project YEBO!, on the internationalisation of PhD studies in South Africa.

The starting point of this workshop is that internationalization of PhD studies is a shared institutional responsibility. In order to make each PhD experience more international institutions need to make sure that all phases of the PhD life cycle are adequately supported: before embarking on a PhD candidates need to have access to information and services with regard to funding and international mobility; their registration at the university should be free of any unnecessary barriers (e.g. a uniform registration system for all, incl. international candidates); upon registration they should have access to various services for personal/professional development, for short (e.g. conferences) and long term (e.g. research stays, joint supervision) international mobility; quality mechanisms are to be put in place to ensure retention of PhD students (e.g. annual progress reports, supervisor training, etc.).

Jean-Marie Pincemin, International Relations Office Interim Director at the University of Poitiers and Vice-Chair of the Doctoral Studies Working Group, is representing the Coimbra Group at this workshop.

YEBO Training Workshop Programme


YEBO! Project website: https://yebo.edu.umontpellier.fr/