Jun2013Links strengthened with Brazil
A small group of Coimbra Group representatives participated in the Vth General Assembly of the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities, in Curitiba, at end of November 2012. On this occasion a bilateral agreement was signed between the president of CGUB, Maria Lúcia Cavalli Neder (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso) and the Chair of the Executive […]
Apr2013CG signs agreement on the student exchange scheme “Science without Borders”
On 4 November 2011 Dorothy Kelly, the Executive Board Chair, signed the agreement on the student exchange scheme “Science without Borders” with the Brazilian ministerial agency, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and the CoimBrazil group, the Association Coimbra Group of Brazilian University Rectors. The Coimbra Group Rectors and Representatives have been informed […]
Apr2013CG – AUGM Agreement
The Coimbra Group (CG) has renewed the cooperation agreement with the Association of Universities Montevideo Group (AUGM). This document aims at promoting and endorsing academic relations between the member Universities of the respective networks. The Montevideo Group is a 20-year old network that gathers 28 Universities in Latin America (Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia and […]
Apr2013DSR TF comments to the draft European Framework for Researcher Careers
On 28 February 2011 the Doctoral Studies and Research Task forwarded its comments on the European Commission draft, “Towards a European Framework for Researcher Careers”. The DSR TF raised a number of concerns and, in particular, underlined that as it stands the framework would not be useful for job descriptions or appraisal systems. The DSR […]
Mar2013CG ERA Consultation Response
The European Commission published an on-line consultation on the ERA Framework: “Areas of untapped potential for the development of the European Research Area (ERA)” in September this year with a response deadline on 30 November 2011. The Coimbra Group response concentrated on three major issues, the training of doctoral candidates, the concept of mobility and […]
Mar2013CG Response to the DG Development consultation “What funding for EU external action after 2013?”
On 31 January 2011, the Executive Board Chair, Prof. Dorothy Kelly, responded on behalf of the CG to DG Development in a accompanying letter to the CG response already provided for the consultation from DG Education and Culture on a “Future EU programme for international cooperation in higher education and human capital development”. You will […]