Mar2020The personal experience from one of the Coimbra Group scholars
I would like to tell you about my research stay at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, in October-November 2019, which was organized within the framework of the Coimbra Group Scholarship
Mar2020Coimbra Group Life Sciences Master´s Programs: “Master in Cancer Biology”
Eleven Coimbra Group Universities take part in the “Master´s Program in Cancer Biology”, an initiative of the Life Sciences Working Group (LSWG)
Mar2020First Coimbra Group briefing paper on Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education
This briefing paper is the result of a rapid consultation of Coimbra Group Working Group…
Mar2020COVID19 Update
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and following the recommendations set forth by the World Health Organisation and the Belgian government, the Coimbra Group Brussels Office is teleworking…
Mar2020Coimbra Group Statement on Coronavirus
The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) raises many questions from our members institutions. The Coimbra Group Executive Board is actively monitoring…
Feb2020The European Union at a crossroads
EU Leaders gathered for the European Council on 20-21 February 2020 in Brussels to discuss the European long-term budget, the so-called Multiannual Financial Framework MFF, for 2021-2027. Unfortunately, they once again failed to agree on the MFFs…
Feb2020Alliances of European Universities : future developments
On February 5th, the European Commission (Unit B1 Higher Education, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) organized another meeting of the stakeholders group on European Universities, following up on similar series of meetings before and after the first call of the pilot phase, in 2018 and 2019. The Coimbra Group was represented by the Chair […]
Feb2020Global Compact on Refugees: the Role of Higher Education
The University of Geneva held its first University Refugee Forum on 16 December 2019. This is a brief report about the event and other initiatives on refugees in higher education in the pipeline.
Feb2020Call for applications for Coimbra Group Scholarship Programmes
The Coimbra Group Office has published the call for applications for its three Scholarship Programmes for 2020: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin American & European Neighbourhood
Feb2020CG 3MT Winner on her experience with communicating her research to a lay audience
The winner of the 2019 edition of the Coimbra Group Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, Claudia Schmidt, shares with us her reflections on her experience with preparing and training for the competition.
Jan2020European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Workshop: University Networks shaping EOSC
The Coimbra Group actively took part in the European Open Science Cloud Workshop with University Networks, through the participation of five experts from our member universities…
Jan2020European Universities initiative : second call of pilot phase and future roll-out in the next Erasmus+ programme
The Executive Board Chair, Prof. Ludovic Thilly, was invited to participate to the stakeholders’ event ‘Co-creating Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps’ …
Jan2020Strong research and higher education for the future
From Professors Moira von Wright and Jukka Kola, respectively Rectors of Åbo Akademi University and University of Turku The year of 2020 is challenging and holds some important decisions concerning the EU programmes for research and education. Finland’s EU Presidency in autumn 2019 aimed at finalising the Council negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework, expecting a modernised MFF to […]
Dec2019Native language higher education and science are a treasure
Just a couple of weeks ago, on 1 December, the University of Tartu celebrated its 100th anniversary as Estonia’s National University.
As is the case with these anniversaries, festive speeches, discussions and talks focused on the situation of Estonian-language higher education and science… -
Nov2019New Office Director of the Coimbra Group
The current Office Director, Ms. Inge Knudsen, will retire on 31 January 2020, after more than twelve years of dedicated commitment…
Nov2019Present and future of European research – Changes on the Hungarian scene
There are ongoing discussions all over Europe with regard to the changes that will take place in the third decade of the 21st century. The unquestionable need to make higher education more open, flexible and mobile opened the way for the European Universities Initiative,…
Nov2019Coimbra Group Statement
The Coimbra Group Executive Board, on behalf of its 39 member universities, voices strong opposition to the potential cut of €12 billion to the budget of Horizon Europe and urges the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, as well as the Member States, to recognise the critical importance that research and innovation will […]
Nov2019Coimbra Group EIT-Health recommendations
The Life Sciences Working Group wrote a policy paper, endorsed by the Coimbra Group Executive Board, with recommendations to EIT Health
Nov2019Seize our common future
The Coimbra Group is one of the 15 European associations of universities, representing more than 800 universities, calling for an ambitions Horizon Europe. More than 300 organisations (including 24 national university associations) have already joined the campaign…
Oct2019Universities in a Changing Europe: 30 Years since the Fall of the Iron Curtain
Professor Tudorel Toader, Rector of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi
These days, Europe honors the 30 years passed since the fall of the Iron Curtain. At the same time, Europe witnesses Brexit.