Feb2023European Research Area (ERA) Forum launches work on research careers
The European Commission convened on the 1st of February in Brussels the kick-off meeting of the ERA Policy action designed to strengthen research careers (ERA action 4). As a co-sponsor of this action, together with Portugal, the Coimbra Group works closely with the Commission to advance work related to this action. We also played an […]
Feb2023What’s new in Brussels? 2023: ACA event on recent developments in European policies and programmes
On the 2nd and 3rd of February, the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) hosted its annual flagship seminar What’s new in Brussels? Recent developments in European policies and programmes. After two years, the event returned to an entirely onsite format, giving participants a full networking experience. The conference went beyond sharing the Erasmus+ Call 2023 novelties, and offered […]
Jan2023The Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Universities
The Czech Republic took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU on July 1, 2022, and finished it at the end of December the same year. The preparations at all levels of the State and society had started a few years ago already. The priorities initially settled had to be changed dramatically after the attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
Jan2023Blended Intensive Programme on Peace and Conflict
The Coimbra Group Master Initiative in Peace and Conflict Studies Network, run by the Development Cooperation Working Group, is launching its first Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). Coordinated by the three CG partners Vilnius, Jena and Granada, the initiative will take place virtually and at Vilnius University, under the theme: “Memory Studies: Peace, Conflict and Transformation”. […]
Jan2023Next Life Sciences Working Group Virtual Conference: “Hide and Seek: Host Evasion of Protozoan Parasites” on 20 January 2023
The next Coimbra Group Life Sciences virtual conference this academic year will take place on 20 January 2023 under the title “Hide and Seek: Host Evasion of Protozoan Parasite
Dec2022Reaffirming the ERC’s commitment to scientific excellence
The ERC is based on a simple idea. We support the best researchers to work in Europe on their best ideas. The sole criterion for selection is scientific excellence. This approach is critical to the success of the ERC and we have no intention of changing this principle
Dec2022Follow-up: “Internationalising Higher Education: Safety Abroad, Interculturality at Home”
The final Multiplier Event for two projects, UNISAFE and TICKET, took place on the 13th December, at the University Foundation (Brussels). The event gathered almost 100 people and raised a lot of interest. You will find below the slides from the event, as well as links for the project outputs. UNISAFE: TICKET: The UNISAFE and […]
Dec2022V European Education Summit in Brussels: recent challenges in education
The 5th European Education Summit, held in Brussels on 1st December, gathered representatives of EU institutions, ministers for education, stakeholder institutions, teachers and students in discussions on needed improvements, investments and challenges related to the resilience, quality, inclusivity and sustainability of education in Europe. This year’s Summit motto – Bright young minds – reflected on […]
Dec2022Joint Statement Paper on the Model Grant Agreement’s Intellectual Property Provisions of the European Innovation Council under Horizon Europe
The Coimbra Group and 7 other stakeholders, representing European universities, research performing organisations and knowledge transfer professionals, have published a joint statement urging…
Nov2022Coimbra Group endorses call for broad and robust support to early career researchers
The Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and their economic consequences have brought a whole new set of challenges for researchers in addition to the already existing ones. While this has impacted research productivity for both experienced and early-stage scientists, the latter – women in particular – are further affected by concerns related to their […]
Nov2022Developing and reaffirming our universities as leading learning environments
Uppsala University, in close cooperation with the Coimbra Group Executive Board and Education Innovation Working Group, recently hosted and organised the High-Level Seminar on education policy on the theme From Learning Spaces to Learning Environments. Coimbra Group Rectors and Vice-Rectors for Education, as well as Working Group members, gathered in Uppsala
Nov2022Dealing with Complex Heritage: Revisiting University Pasts in Contemporary Practice – Call for expression of interest
The principal goal of this initiative is to explore how universities address “uneasy”, “problematic” or “difficult” heritage. It focuses on the responsibility of present-day university institutions faced with such legacies as well as their significance for contemporary research, education and representational practice.
Nov2022Coimbra Group signs agreement on Research Assessment Reform
The Coimbra Group is pleased to announce that it has become a signatory of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and will join the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). In signing this agreement, CG joins almost 400 research organisations, including universities, research centres and funders, as well as national and regional authorities from across […]
Nov2022Internationalising Higher Education: Safety Abroad, Interculturality at Home
After years of both hard work and unmuting ourselves, the UNISAFE Project and the TICKET Project, in collaboration with the Coimbra Group, are delighted to invite you to our in-person joint dissemination event: Internationalising Higher Education: Safety Abroad, Interculturality at Home This event will take place physically in Brussels on Tuesday, December 13th, 2022. Come […]
Nov2022Second Life Sciences Working Group Virtual Conference: “The afterlife of a tree – biodiversity and functions of deadwood in forests” on 2 December 2022
The second Coimbra Group Life Sciences virtual conference this academic year will take place on 2 December 2022 under the title “The afterlife of a tree – biodiversity and functions of deadwood in forests.” Professor Jörg Müller (…)
Nov2022International Seminar “The Built Heritage of Universities – use, re-use, hidden stories and aspects of conservation and interpretation”
The Coimbra Group Heritage Working Group (HER WG) holds on Tuesday 15 November, 9:00am – 3:00pm CET, at the University of Tartu Museum, an international seminar on “The Built Heritage of Universities – use, re-use, hidden stories and aspects of conservation and interpretation”.
Oct2022Europe needs national excellence initiatives
Stimulating excellence in research and education is of the utmost importance to push the frontiers of science and for the world to produce the knowledge needed to meet current and future challenges.
Oct2022Latest developments on the Research Assessment Reform
On 28 September 2022, the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment officially opened for signatures during a plenary session at the European Research and Innovation Days. Building up on the discussions held in Padua in June in connection with the Coimbra Group Annual Conference, the network has continued fostering dialogue among its members on this initiative.On 20 […]
Oct2022Siena signs Poitiers Declaration
Siena signed today the Poitiers Declaration. The Mayor of Siena hosted the event at the astonishing Sala delle Lupe, at the Palazzo pubblico of the city. The Chair of the Executive Board Ludovic Thilly underlined the strategic importance of strong ties and collaboration between the University and the town before the formal signature between Rector Francesco […]
Oct20222022 Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme: numbers continue to increase and reach new high
A total of 710 candidates applied for the 2022 edition of the Coimbra Group Scholarship Programme, among which 609 were declared eligible. After the selection process, CG participating universities have awarded to the three different schemes a record number of 88 scholarships for the academic year 2022-2023. This new high follows three years of continuous […]