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22 September 2016

The partnership proposed ODETTE to give a substantial contribution to the training of ICT-literate teachers who are fully prepared to perform the huge task of educating young European citizens to live, work and further develop themselves in a world permeated with ICT applications. Apart from improving their training, use of the outputs of the project also gave the teachers a European dimension in their teaching abilities.

ODETTE aimed first at the development , application and evaluation of a protocol methodology to promote flexible teacher training (primary and secondary levels). Flexible arrangements included seeking efficient ways to train teachers at a distance using ICT, focussing on supervising practice in schools and creating opportunities for trainees to share experiences. The methodology was intended for in-service training and training of prospective teachers.

Second major aim was to establish a central electronic platform, first to facilitate contacts in the project, later for general use in the profession.A third aim was the establishment of a database of relevant information concerning the use of the protocol.

The project developped, tested, improved and made available for all teacher trainers the three tools mentioned above. Dissemination was an important part of the project.

  • Project organisation: Leiden and Coimbra Group office
  • Coordinator: Dr Pieter Vroegop, Interfaculty Center for Teacher Education and Educational Development – ICLON.
    E-mail : vroegop[at]fsw.leidenuniv.nl
  • Project partners: Leiden (coordinator), Leuven, Coimbra Group, Toulouse (Inst Form des Maitres), Poitiers, Padova, Groningen, Joensuu, Turku, Uppsala, Edinburgh, Graz.