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15 September 2016

LABORIENT, GUIDANCE AND LIFELONG LEARNING COLLABORATION NETWORK was one of the 6 project approved in the frame of the first call for proposals of the Joint Actions of the SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI and YOUTH Programmes in 2001

LABORIENT aimed at developing a virtual collaborative learning platform among Guidance and advising professionals, policy makers and to a further extent users aiming at defining a new Lifelong Guidance concept with the regional level as the focus and establishing a common knowledge ground to support policy orientation, definition, implementation and evaluation at regional and local level and the respective integration of action.

Thus, the “LABORIENT” project “Guidance and Lifelong Learning Collaboration Network ” aimed at developing a virtual collaborative lifelong guidance platform among guidance and advising professionals, policy makers and users aiming at defining a new Lifelong Learning Guidance model and the respective integration of strategies with the regional level as the focus and establishing a common knowledge ground to support policy orientation, definition, implementation and evaluation at regional and local level and the respective integration of action.

The project builded on existing Regional Administrations’, City Administrations’ and Universities’ primary networks which intended to explore, in a cross-sectoral multi-actor approach, the value added that lifelong learning & new technologies may bring, when systematically and creatively used, to the organisation and delivery of Career Information and Guidance services, as well as to the development of a European professional culture among guidance workers.


1. Individual Careers services aggregated under a common brand or service delivery
2. Moving from a general service to a tailored service to meet client needs
3. Increasing guidance delivery to meet lifelong learning requirements
4. Empowering clients to meet their guidance needs themselves
5. Expanding the horizons of guidance professionals from specialised to multiple competencies
6. Ensuring continuous developments for guidance professionals
7. Expanding labour market information services international, national, regional and local Labour Market Information
8. Implementing quality frameworks for service delivery

COORDINATOR: Scienter España (contact person Begoña Arenas: barenas[at]scienter.es)