“European Network on Teaching Excellence” project’s final event
28 June 2023
On 21 June, the Coimbra Group hosted the final conference of the “European Network on Teaching Excellence” (E-NOTE) project at the University Foundation in Brussels. It was the occasion for the consortium members (Leiden University, University of Coimbra, Charles University, Copenhagen University, Global Governance Institute, and the Coimbra Group) to present the fruits of the project’s three years of work, as well as to engage in lively discussions with higher education stakeholders and policymakers.
A policy roundtable closed the event, gathering representatives from the European Commission (Pauline Ravinet, Policy Officer at the Higher Education unit, DG EAC), Member States (Isabel Rodriguez Gregorio, Education Counsellor at the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU) and the academic sector (Beatrix Busse, Vice-Rector for teaching and studies at the University of Cologne, EUniWell Alliance Chief Development Officer and CG Executive Board Vice-Chair). It was the opportunity to discuss the project’s potential policy impact, stressing possible articulations with ongoing discussions at European level notably the development of a framework for attractive and sustainable careers in higher education and more globally the progress of the European Education Area.
The presentations can be found below, as well as links to the tools developed in the framework of the project:
- Please, find here (here) the slides from the E-NOTE final conference.
- E-NOTE resources are already available on the project website. You can find the comprehensive mapping exercise, the main features identified for a common curriculum, the best practices guidelines to foster a culture of excellence at European higher education institutions, the common training scheme, as well as a self-assessment tool. More deliverables, such as a “Teaching Excellence handbook”, will also be available on the website soon.
- For any further questions regarding E-NOTE, please contact info@teachingexcellence.eu.