Durham Coimbra Group Workshop
30 March 2020
Durham, 30 March 2020
Logistical Points
Registration (Deadline 6th March)
Colleagues are kindly reminded to confirm their attendance at the workshop and working group meetings via a registration portal: https://www.dur.ac.uk/conference.booking/details/?id=1451.The deadline for registration is Friday 6th March 2020.
Proceedings Booklet
Presentations from the workshop will be collated into a proceedings booklet, to be hosted on the Coimbra intranet, which will act as a record of the Workshop and a resource of good practice examples. Colleagues who are presenting have been invited to submit a short summary of their presentation, using a pro-forma, prior to the meeting. Karen Dobson (DU) will be contacting colleagues in the next couple of weeks about this.
Poster Presentations
Due to the volume of proposals submitted, it was not possible to select all abstracts for oral presentation. All colleagues who submitted an abstract have therefore been given the opportunity to submit a poster presentation instead, should they wish to do so. These posters will be displayed throughout the workshop and will be available for discussions during coffee and lunch breaks and poster presentations will be included in the Proceedings Booklet.
Accommodation, Directions and other Information.
· Rooms in Durham Castle (approx. £80 per night) can be booked and paid for through the above registration portal and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Accommodation is also available at Durham’s Hotel Indigo at the rate of £107 per room per night and can be booked by contacting ReservationsMGR@indurham.com and quoting ‘Durham International Office’. Other hotels in central Durham include the Marriott and Radisson Blu and rooms can be booked directly through their websites.
· A map of Durham has been provided on p3 of the attached programme and a self-guide tour can be found here: https://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/undergraduate/open_days/SGTScreenVersionFinal.pdf
· Getting to Durham; From Newcastle International airport you can reach Durham by public transport, or taxi. By public transport, take a metro from the airport arrivals terminal to Newcastle Central Train Station (approx. 30 minutes). You can then take a train from to Durham (approx. £7 and a 15 minute journey). A taxi from Newcastle international airport will take approx. 40 minutes and cost around £50, dependant on traffic.
· Refreshments and a group lunch will be provided on both days, with a group dinner at Hatfield College (one of Durham’s oldest student residences) on the evening of Monday 30th March. An optional walking tour of Durham campus and Durham’s Oriental Museum are also on offer and can be booked via the registration portal, along with any dietary requirements.
Logistical queries about the workshop should now be directed to Karen Dobson (ea.vpeducation@durham.ac.uk) Please direct any working group queries to Tony Fawcett (Education Innovation – tony.fawcett@durham.ac.uk) or Shelagh Green (Employability – shelagh.green@ed.ac.uk)