Dealing with Complex Heritage: Revisiting University Pasts in Contemporary Practice – Call for expression of interest
29 November 2022
Heritage Working Group
The principal goal of this initiative is to explore how universities address “uneasy”, “problematic” or “difficult” heritage. It focuses on the responsibility of present-day university institutions faced with such legacies as well as their significance for contemporary research, education and representational practice. The project should start with two workshops taking place at the University of Geneva (spring 2023) and Charles University in Prague (fall 2023). During the workshops, existing experiences in addressing legacies through core cases/concepts should be identified that would enable participants to formulate concrete proposals as to how to come to terms with legacies through new forms of presentation, interpretation and reconciliatory practices. The first session will invite participating university institutions to present cases of “difficult heritage” and how universities have addressed such heritage. The second session will explore good practice and policy recommendations for the Coimbra Group.
Interested contributors, within or outside the Coimbra Group, have until 15 January 2023 to send preliminary expression of interest to present a case study at the first workshop scheduled on 20-21 March 2023 in Geneva.