The 2020 Coimbra Group Annual Conference was held on-line
10 June 2020
For the first time in the Coimbra Group history, no Annual Meeting will be held in 2020, due to the covid-19 pandemic circumstances. Three key strategic events will nevertheless be maintained and exceptionally held in a in a virtual mode
Open Session on European Universities Alliances – Webinar
Wednesday 10 June, 2.00 – 4.00 pm CEST
The programme is still under construction but it will consist of two sessions on:
- Sustainability of the European Universities Initiative at European level after 2023: What are the perspectives? What are the potential implications of the covid-19 crisis?
- The European degree: Opportunities and challenges
Rectors Advisory Group meeting – Online meeting
Thursday 11 June, 2.00 – 4.00 pm CEST
General Assembly – Electronic consultation
Friday 12 June, 10.30 am CEST (short online session to announce the results of the electronic process for questions and votes organised the weeks before)
The GA will be organised in ways that fulfil the requirements of the law while being compatible with the measures taken in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and also allowing the members to ask questions and exercise their voting rights.
Questions from members and voting will therefore be conducted electronically. Key dates for participation are as follows:
30 April |
Deadline for each Coimbra Group Rector to appoint one voter (the Rector herself/himself or her/his official Representative or any duly mandated person). |
4 May |
Deadline for nominating candidates to fill the two Executive Board vacant seats. |
15 May |
A link to all GA documents and electronic voting procedure will be sent by e-mail to each appointed voter. |
15 May – 22 May |
Members can ask questions or send comments regarding the official documents related to the GA by e-mail. |
29 May |
A document addressing all questions and comments received will be distributed to all members. |
The General Assembly electronic voting system will be opened. |
5 June |
The General Assembly electronic voting system will be closed and the votes will be counted. |
12 June, 10.30am (CEST) |
All results will be announced by Office Director and Executive Board Chair during a short online live session. |
The 2020 Coimbra Group Annual Meeting was initially planned to take place from 10 to 12 June 2020 at Montpellier University and Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University.
The Executive Board is extremely grateful to Rectors Philippe Augé and Patrick Gilli and their teams for their hard work to prepare what would have been a most memorable Coimbra Group Annual Meeting on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the Montpellier university.