Coimbra Group greening mobility developments at the EAIE Annual Conference in Barcelona
15 September 2022
On 15 September 2022, the Academic Exchange and Mobility Working Group (AEM WG) representatives: Dorota Maciejowska, Tiziana Gatti, and Michela Cobelli, held a session at the 32nd EAIE Annual 2022 conference in Barcelona. The session entitled “Greening mobility: Coimbra Group developments towards sustainability in Europe” was a result of Coimbra Group universities’ experiences in transitioning towards a greener Erasmus Programme, thanks to several initiatives and projects.
The Coimbra Group’s input into European mobility is significant. A great proportion of all Erasmus exchanges across Europe happen between Coimbra Group member universities. Thanks to an innovative partnership with the EURail train travel initiative as well as several institutional projects developed at CG universities, the transition towards greener Erasmus+ exchanges has become more feasible. In this session, AEM WG representatives disseminated collective know-how, best practice, expertise and so far results. The session was the second step within the CG greening mobility series initiated with the International Staff Training Week on Greening mobility of CG universities held in Kraków a few months before. The EAIE session was received with enthusiasm. It engaged the interaction of 60 participants who contributed their ideas to developing more sustainable mobility in Europe. The series will be continued during the third event: Siena Seminar on Mobility, Civicness and Sustainability – the Future of European Campuses.